Day One - Jebel Ali Sailing Club
The Jebel Ali Sailing Club is/was on a little jetty of land on the Arabian Sea at the center of Dubai. Unfortunately, with all things that have real estate value beyond their ability to draw income, this place is being bulldozed for some big high rise right on the waterfront. I saw this a lot in the United Arab Emirates. Beach front real estate is something of which they do not have a shortage.
We were there, sleeping off jet-lag during some of the last hours of this quaint little club: bar, restaurant and sailing marina.
It's interesting and sad to say good bye to a nice memory when you've only just been acquainted with I write this, Jebel Ali is already gone.
I can't wait to see more photos once you arrive here in the moistern regions of the Pacific Northwest....bring yer pix gal!
(I like my made-up adjective, what do you think??? "moistern" - hmmm....)
More later,
Amazing. I never would have imagined these kinds of sights there. You, my adventurous friend, are opening my eyes to places I never thought of visiting.
I just love that you guys are lookin'
There are too many stories to include on the site, but I'll fill your ears...
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