Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Year of the Ox

So this year, we lost one... and as I look at this picture, I am made to wonder whether the white was indicative of the journey and the black are those left here to slog through our earth-bound human melodrama.

We're getting to the point where we've come to terms in our own ways with the saying of the good byes, but we're left with a helluvan example of leaving here with your heart set, your people understanding their importance to you and that you were gracefully given to the inevitable - even though you fought like hell not to go.

So that brings us to the Year of the Ox (well, not really, but that seque will have to do). Wait now, let me work this - it's about the slogging, which is completely thematic given our current state in the world economy, our collective political look the other direction (thank you, voters!) and what we face. A reshaping, a redefining and an exploration of this pit we're told we're in. For many, this is truly going to be a slogging through what we are not at all familiar with.

For Shredder, the reshaping, the redefining and the exploration of the pit happened really too quickly, but not without introspection, careful scrutiny of the differentness of her reality and a reaching out to share what was there in that pit. I, for one, think we should take heed.

I've not been blogging for a bit and I think it'll be good to get to some pictures (and boy, do I have pictures!) and do some catching up...

Cheers, Shredder! (We'll always be looking for you at the Luce...)


Blogger Julie DuRose said...

A lovely tribute to our dearly missed biker friend. Thank you.

11:25 AM  
Blogger Lucas said...

This summer, the Schroeder memorial all girl campout. All are welcome, bikers and non-bikers. We will pour some out for our girl and do her memory - and her wish for us to always live life to the fullest with and for eachother - proud!!!

7:36 PM  
Blogger Corinne said...

Count me in. Leesh, your words brought me to tears. To my girls, hugs, because we just don't get enough of them.

8:13 PM  

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