So it's about a group of high school friends involved in an annual excuse to get together and put away some ribs and decide whose might be the sauciest or the most tender or kicky. This year, the kicky won out.
Other years, it's been the sweet, smoky sauce that won the day.We gather at an agreed upon location and time...
and you get a score card... I'm sorry but by the time the ribs were ready to be scored, etc., I was too interested in eating to get a good picture of the set up.
Each contestant secretly chooses a colored toothpick and the four racks of ribs each contestant prepares is cut and picked in order that the crowd can easily judge by color. It's not rocket science, people.
Contestants are friendly with each other as the grilling gets underway...and they talk about the others using sand paper to tenderize in loud, joking voices.
An elder statesman chimes in on all things wise, etc. Okay there might also be a little bit of beer...
There's lots of looking and not telling...
The crowd is always eager to start tasting. And most of us were also expectant of the side competition on the best side dishes.
Finally, we get the eating and judging part underway (please note the toothpicks on the rib platters at the top end of the table...)
They are all winners!
But this guy won the day...and it's ABOUT TIME!
I don't that I've ever seen a happier winner. Or a funnier one. (Thank God he had his pants back on by this time!)
Saw-WEET and Spicy Success after 11 long years...
...and just try to get that trophy away from him. I think he's going to put yard spotlights on his living room window or something. Maybe mount it on his roof for security... Good Ribs, White Team!!!
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