Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Day Seven - Lunch with the Students, Gifts and Central Souk

I walked over to meet my friend at the Central Souk.

We were going to do just a little shopping and then make our way to lunch with the students at the Sharjah Women's College. They had insisted on inviting me back to host a luncheon. I could not refuse.

Most helpful and friendly, was my Yemeni shop keeper friend, Adel. But do not believe him when he tells you that all of his family have green eyes...

Day Six - Fujairah, The Oldest Mosque in the UAE, Sandy Beach

Today, we're going snorkeling on the East Coast of the United Arab Emirates, just North of Fujairah. The weather is beautiful for the drive to Sandy Beach Resort and it takes us by the oldest mosque in the United Arab Emirates, found remnents of crabs digging their holes to stay protected and cool during the hot daylight hours,

roadside markets and

the business of building with palm fronds.

We found this fantastic parking spot in the middle of nowhere!

Scrambled across these rocks...

And completely enjoyed an afternoon of cuttle fish, sea turtles, parrot fish, sea urchins, sea cucumber, bat fish, skip jacks and an allusive reef shark.

We dined with friends at the hotel next to the apartment back in Fujairah and drove back to Sharjah at day's end.

Day Five - Sharjah Women's College, Friday Market and Fujairah

I was the Show and Tell for this day in the classroom for both the first year and the third year students. In front of the class, I was asked any question the girls wanted to come up with, ranging from "Are You Married?" to "What's in Your Handbag? to "What Do You Think About Same Sex Marriage?" Talk about being put on the spot...I loved their open inquiry and we filled the room with laughter and cultural sharing.

When I asked if someone would mind lending me their head wrap (Shayllah) and their robe (Allabayah) and dressing me Emirati fashion, I was answered by giggles and a ready willingness to wrap me for the moment. At that point, all the cellphones came out to take photos with more giggling. These girls were fantastically friendly and the offers of dinner invitations came from all sides of the classroom. I had to agree to come back to the class for lunch before I leave.

I have been asked to pack to go to the East Coast straight from the visit to the college and off we go to meet our driver - supposedly someone who is a safer driver than my friend (yet I do not quite agree).

Along the way, we pass the Friday Market. Don't ask why this is called this, because it isn't Friday today...whatever.

Fujairah is about an hour east of Sharjah, but the geography is completely different with mountainous, arid angles surrounding us. Fujairah is an oasis on the other side of this range of great hills. Since the country is positioned West to East, we drive straight East, cutting across the country to the Arabian Sea on the other side of the mountains.