2012 The Windy Rib Off

The day had turned really windy and originally, we were going to all be eating and judging in the backyard, but stuff started flying away and tipping over. So it was decided that we move all the chairs and tables into the garage. Cars had to be backed out to make room...

And look what happened -
Oh My God!!!
Don't feel bad, but SHIT -

Being a true champion (last year), this fine contestant got right back in the game and wiped off (his tears) the tire tread to go on to........
Well, I'd be telling, wouldn't I?
And what would a Rib Off be without a little drama?

The brain power and political negotiation were mind-boggling...especially when you're so damn hungry!

And keep smiling in the face of potential RIB CONSPIRACY!!

These guys really stepped up against the Old Timers...

We collect all the judges and the eating and judging begins...

There's a bit of talk about the trophy being left at home... and maybe someone would be driving back there to get it... Tensions and rib passions rise a bit, as we make our selections for the ribs with the winning color tag.

Survey Says...?

No expense is spared in these proceedings...

And the presentation is made to this year's Rib Off Winner.

And oh no, this guy's not happy at all!

Congratulations, Master J!